• William R. Chaisson


    Educator, Historian, Entrepreneur, Activist; and a Lifetime promotor of the Superior Philosophy of Liberty. Proud Member of Sons of the American Revolution (SAR)

  • Judge Andrew Napolitano


    Andrew Peter Napolitano is a former Superior Court Judge and a syndicated columnist whose work appears in numerous publications, including The Washington Times and Reason. He was a Fox News Legal Analyst for 24 years contributing over 14,000 television segments. See On YouTube:


    Judging Freedom with Andrew Napolitano

  • Ralph Fucetola, JD


    Ralph Fucetola, JD, is a retired lawyer (1971–2006), teacher, and writer who offers legal consulting services to the natural-products-and-services market through his website, www.VitaminLawyer.com. He graduated Rutgers University in 1967, B.A. with Distinction, and from Rutgers Law School in 1971. Counsel Fucetola is a trustee of several religious bodies and foundations, including the Natural Solutions Foundation and LifeSpirit Center. Professional links:






The Founders & Framers of our Country & Constitution were the heroes of our Revolution. There were other men & women who prepared the way for our country’s Founding. And ever since the 18th Century many outstanding Individuals have risen up to Fight, Protect, Preserve & Promote the Superior American ideas of Liberty and Freedom. They were heroes as well. We tell their stories and honor their contributions to American Greatness.

One in a series of videos created by Judge Andrew Napolitano about our Constitution

How to fight Consitutional edicts

Should parents have any say in school choice

All Tyranies Rule Through Fraud and Force…And Once the Fraud is exposed, They Rely exclusively on Force. George Orwell

A thoughtful review of President Trump

Stick to the basics!