“Little Jimmy”

American Patriots considered the founders of our country, Giants of their Time. Many historians agree, the Founders generation was the greatest of the last 1,000 years; after all, they fought and sacrificed to bring forth the greatest country civilization had ever seen; founded with the control of government put in the hands of the people, not authoritarian rulers.

Not only were the founders intellectual giants, but many of them were also large men. It was not common at the time for people to be tall. However, Sam Adams was 6’3”. Both Washington and Jefferson were 6’2”. Patrick Henry and James Monroe were 6’. Most of the rest were average or above average in stature; with one notable exception. The great James Madison, Father of the American Constitution and 4th President of the United States was quite diminutive in height. The other founding fathers, jokingly (with respect) referred to him as “little Jimmy”. While history recorded his height to be 5’4”, it’s likely that he was shorter. However, it did not take away from his huge contribution to our Beloved America.

Bill C.

PS…..Thank you Judge Nap (Andrew Napolitano) for your inspiration…We’re looking forward to your editorials and comments, in the future.


In the Beginning


Trump’s Virtues